Google Analytics Set Up And Optimization With Geoffresh Websites
Google Analytics is an invaluable tool for analytics when it comes to optimizing your online business. With it, you can get valuable insights into how visitors are engaging with content and how to make your website even more effective. Which is why all Geoffresh websites come with Google analytics set up and optimized for your business.
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- Written by: Geoffrey Pyrzynski

The Death of 'Just Google It'. The New Reality Of Search
For years, the “SEO is dead” debate has circulated in marketing circles—yet we all crawl back to it and continue to use Google for researching, marketing and advertising. But now more than ever before, the uncertainty of the future of SEO and digital marketing has marketers increasingly nervous. Here's what's been going on.
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- Written by: Stephanie Pyrzynski
Read more: The Death of 'Just Google It' — The New Reality Of Search

Website Redesign Alternative That Will Still Boost Your Web Presence
Once you start a website, you need to be able to "refresh" it from time to time. But a complete redesign isn't always necessary. Here's what we like to suggest brands and businesses do instead, so they don't fall behind.
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- Written by: Stephanie Pyrzynski
Read more: Website Redesign Alternative That Will Still Boost Your Web Presence

What Businesses Can Learn From Charli XCX's 'brat green' Color Marketing Strategy
In a world saturated with other brands and businesses vying for attention every second, standing out can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But there are tried and true marketing strategies that can anchor your place in people’s minds, and don’t have to cost you a penny. We saw one of those strategies exemplified this summer, by an international pop star who showed how a simple pop of color can make all the difference in the world.
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- Written by: Stephanie Pyrzynski
Read more: The Color Marketing Strategy Every Business Owner Should Try